Minggu, 30 September 2007

Build a better healthlife with Herbs

The miraculous healings of herbs has been around since the beginning of time. I truly believe there is a cure for every thing that ails us on this earth. We just need to find it. Natural medicine is a wonderful gift given to us from God himself. Sometimes we can use it by itself, or combine it with Western medicine. If you have never tried the benefits that natural herbs can offer you, why don’t you pick one for an ailment you have been having a lot of difficulties with and see what wonderful things it can do for you.

Herbs, many of which are aromatic, may contain essential oils and complementary components that have antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and other medicinal properties. A lot of them also taste good! Use herbs to flavor sauces, soups, roasts, and other recipes and to cut back on less healthy additives like salt, sugar, or fat. You also can steep herbs in hot water for caffeine-free teas. Some herbs, including dandelions and parsley, are healthful sources of vitamins and minerals, which have their own important roles to play in the body.

Aloe vera (barbadensis miller) is one species of the genus Aloe. The genus Aloe contains about four hundred species of flowering, succulent plants. Despite looking like a cactus, the Aloe vera is in fact a member of the Lily family (Liliaceae), which includes garlic. The name Aloe was derived from the Arabic alloeh meaning "bitter" because of the bitter gel in the leaves.

Blackberry - is an astringent, especially for the gastrointestinal tract. It allays excessive fluid loss from diarrhea, and when medical intervention is not available may save lives. Hemostatic – it stops bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chamomile - is an anti-inflammatory and pain relieving for a wide range of conditions along the entire digestive tract; anti-spasmodic for easing muscle cramps, widely used to relieve mental stress and tension. It is carminative and a mild bitter.

Dandelion - has many healing actions. The root is a general tonic and an effective liver tonic, hepatic, which act to ‘cool’ the liver; its cholagogue action decongests the gallbladder by increasing bile flow; and its choleretic action promotes bile production. It is anti-rheumatic, as it stimulates cell metabolism in the body, assisting the body to dump metabolic waste into the blood to be cleansed by the liver. It is alterative, relieving skin disorders and degenerative joint disorders, lowering blood cholesterol. It is a mild laxative, bitter. The leaf a highly effective diuretic, the best natural source of potassium, avoids potassium depletion. Young leafs can be eaten raw in salads: they are best mixed with other greens.

Echinacea - is an immune stimulant, assisting the body to resist infection more efficiently; it is anti-microbial and increases cellular resistance to virus, and activates the macrophages that destroy both cancerous cells and pathogens; it is anti-catarrhal and alterative.
When I need a lift, I drop a handful of lemon balm leaves in a pot of steaming water to soothe my cares away. To help iron out occasional kinks in my stomach, I make peppermint tea from the rich-flavored black-stemmed variety held captive in a submerged pot in my kitchen garden. When flower buds appear on my German chamomile, I harvest them all for a relaxing apple-scented tea to toast the end of a difficult day

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